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4.3.5 主語ê省略

當咱teh讀「白話字聖經」時,時常會抵tio̍h chhōe無文句主語ê情形,譬如:馬太福音15章10節:「就叫眾人來,給in講:『恁著聽,來曉悟。』」chit句話ê主語是啥人?咱必須ài倒tńg去頭前看到第3節chiah知影原來主語是「伊」,是指第1節所講ê「耶穌」。

曹逢甫(1979)對漢語ê分析提出「主題kōaⁿ」【華譯:主題串】ê觀念,咱會使用它來檢驗漢語句kap英文句ê無仝。Tī英文裡,主語是一句話bē當欠缺ê成分,bē當省略,siōng無著ài用代名詞代替。漢語ê「主題」是一個言談ê單位,「主題」往往出現tī規個言談ê siōng頭前,後面chiah接幾仔個用chit個共同主題做焦點ê小句來形成「主題kōaⁿ」。所以當主題出現了後,後面小句ê主題m̄是變成代名詞就是省略去,ánne讀起來猶是合語法。

M̄ koh「紅皮聖經」kap「現代台語譯本」,為著beh hō͘讀者khah好了解經文,hō͘語意kohkhah清楚,通常會用一至兩個經節做單位tī文句內底加上主語。

27. 英文:When they saw the star, they rejoiced with exceeding great joy. And they came into the house and saw the yo͘ng child with Mary his mother; and they fell down and worshipped him; and opening their treasures they offered unto him gifts, gold and frankincense and myrrh. And being warned of God in a dream that they should not return to Herod, they departed into their own country another way.(太2:10~12)
巴克禮譯本:In看見hit個星,歡喜到bōe顧得;入厝,看見嬰仔kap伊ê老母馬利亞,就phak落拜嬰仔,開in ê寶盒,獻禮物hō͘伊,就是黃金、乳香、沒藥。Koh tī 眠夢中得tio̍h指點,教̄̄in m̄ thang倒tńg去就近希律,就tùi別條路倒去本所在。

而且「紅皮聖經」kap《現代台語譯本》,為著beh hō͘讀者khah好了解經文,hō͘語意kohkhah清楚,大部分lóng會以一至二個經節做單位來tī文句中加上主語。

28. 文言文:略前走而俯伏在地。(太26:39)
英文:And he went forward a little, and fell on his face.

29. 文言文:耶穌年十有二,遵節例偕上耶路撒冷。(路2:42)
英文:And when he was twelve years old, they went up to Jerusalem after the custom of the feast.